Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Interview with Julie Wall

Hello and welcome to the very first edition of The Authors Spotlight.  This very first post is quite special because it was in fact, inspired by my very first guest, who you will be meeting shortly.

I remember the rush I felt when I did my very first interview.  It is my goal to not only be successful
myself but to help great authors and writers alike, to aspire towards fullfilling their own dreams. 

Do you ever wonder who is on the other side of the computer or in our case, on the other side of the book? 

Who is that author? 

What makes them tick? 

What do they do besides spend a listless day clicking away on their keyboards? 

Please join me in finding in a journey that takes us into the life and mind of my personal friend and Editor, Julie Wall. 

I know the suspense is killing you, but hey, its what I do.  Before I release Julie's incredible interview, I'd just like to say a few things about her.  She's definitely bold, beautiful, creative, talented and one of the best girlfriends I could ever ask for.  She has passion and she incorporates into everything she does, every single day. 

So, without further delay...... Please Welcome Julie Wall.  (I expect to mentally hear applause)

Getting To Know The Author

Julie, how long have you been writing?

Off and on since I was a kid. I’ve always been an avid journal-er…I remember a 3 year period where I didn’t miss a single day.

Have you always wanted to write?

I have always loved to write. I can’t imagine NOT wanting to. I think that is why I love my blog so much. Something tickles me, or it pisses me off and then I go and find something silly in that, and tell my husband, “oh, I feel a blog comin’ on,” and I blog, and I feel better.

What genre really inspires you?

Some romantic fiction is inspiring, but more so non-fiction, these days. I love King and Koontz, but I don’t think ahead far enough to write like that (and I suck at chess, too, so you know).

Do you remember some of the authors/book titles you read as a child?

I loved the “Betsy Tacy & Tib” series by Maud Hart Lovelace, as well as the Bobbsey Twins series by Laura Lee Hope, the “Little House” books by Laura Ingalls Wilder, and just about anything Judy Blume ever had published. I remember when “Forever” rocked my world.

Does anyone in your life encourage you to write your heart out?

Oh, yes…My mom, my closest friends, and my husband. For whatever reason, it’s therapeutic for me.

What advice would you have for a newbie writer that wants to break into the world of fiction/non-fiction?
I will sure share that when I figure it out, LOL…To date, I have really only had time to blog, being a full time supervisor at our local hospital, running a photography studio on the side, and editing/proofing the works of my friends, but I am finding that the more I surround myself with creative people, the more I am jotting down notes for a full-length book. I actually have a couple of killer concepts I would like to see through to fruition before the end of this calendar year.

To date, what is YOUR favorite story that you have written?
I am kind of partial to the half-finished romance I wrote about 15 years ago. I would love to find those files (altho I don’t know if they would do me any good…they’re all on floppy disk, LOL), and finish the story. I just blush, though, at the thought of writing anything steamy…You know, because what if my MOM reads it????

Who/what gets your creative blood pumping?
Real life. No, honestly. I see something mundane, and then my wild imagination takes off and suddenly that poor guy on the corner in a trench coat has bodies of women piled up in his basement. J

The Lighter Side Of Writing

If you weren't writing, what would you be doing?

Photography – it’s my other passion.

Do you have pets, and if so, what kind?

Yes, we are owned by six Papillon dogs (Belle, Beau, Skooter, Hope, Sister, and Snowy) and a rescue dog named Pete.

What do you do for fun (I.e. Hobbies, leisure time, etc.)
Leisure time? What’s that? No, seriously? I love to watch tv and read. In the winter time I crochet, and in the summer time I swim. A LOT.

Growing up, what did you always aspire to be?

A princess and then when I got a little older (read: realistic) I wanted to be a photo-journalist.

If you had one wish, what would you wish for?

My only wish would be for my husband NOT to have a degenerative spine disorder so that he could go back to doing all the things he once loved to do.

If someone were to begin to dictate your writing, how would you feel about that?

If that were to ever happen? I would absolutely stop writing.

If you were told you could no longer write about the things that moved you, would you be able to adapt and move onto a different genre or would this force your hand to stop writing?

I would probably have to stop writing, because what moves me is vehicle for finding the correct words.

How do you handle adversity when it comes to your writing?

I try not to take it personally and move on.

How important are reviews to you, as a writer?

I think reviews are very important…they are a way to generate interest and traffic to what one writes.

Have you ever written a bad review for anyone else? If so, why?
No, I can’t say that I have.

How important is editing to you? Do you ever edit your book before it goes to the editor?

Haha! It’s funny you should ask that. I am seriously anal retentive when it comes to grammar, punctuation, and spelling. I’m sure y’all realize that a misplaced comma (or a missing comma) can completely change the meaning of a sentence. (Remember the Panda who shot up the café after reading the badly written wildlife guide? He “eats, shoots, and leaves”?) At any rate I go over most of my work with a fine tooth comb before ever posting it, or sending it off to the publication.

What about book covers inspires you? How do you go about selecting yours?
I’m not sure how to answer this, as I have not finished a single book that I have started. The bulk of my recent writing has been in my blogs, and just prior to that I was a photo-journalist for a very local bi-monthly publication. It’s been just recently that I have actually considered putting a book together.

How do you write? Are you able to listen to music to inspire you or does it have to be quiet?

Oh, I can do either, but I have to confess that if I listen to music that I KNOW will elicit the emotions I am looking for that that will be more inspiring to me, because I am one of those people who can be magically transported back in time by a song or a scent.

Where do you choose to write? Do you have an office or do you surround yourself in places that pertain to your writing?

I have two office, actually. The one at my day job, (and I do confess to having written at that desk when there), and my studio, which is where I shoot, blog, edit, and daydream.

If you were asked to appear on a talk show of your choice, which one would it be and why?

Ellen. Definitely Ellen! She has always had cool points in my book, even way back in the day when she did commercials for the yellow pages.

To The Author
Julie, thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions today. Being a writer and the feel of freedom that comes with that is such an incredible sensation but to be published and to have your work available for others to enjoy is purely satisfactory. I appreciate you taking the time to branch out with both myself and the readers and giving us insight into your thinking process, available works and life in general. I know that we will all see great things from you in the future as I have seen news worthy, review worthy and captivating brilliance from you in the present. Thank you again, I wish you the best in all of your future publications and endeavors.

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