Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Interview With The Notorious Vonda Norwood

Hello and welcome to The Authors Spotlight.  This is where you will have the opportunity to meet new authors and perhaps even read things about your favorite author you never knew.  Please refrain from stalking.  Thank you. 

I remember the rush I felt when I did my very first interview.  It is my goal to not only be successful
myself but to help great authors and writers alike, to aspire towards fullfilling their own dreams. 

Do you ever wonder who is on the other side of the computer or in our case, on the other side of the book? 

Who is that author? 

What makes them tick? 

What do they do besides spend a listless day clicking away on their keyboards? 

Please join me in finding out, through a a journey of questions that takes us into the life and mind of my personal and very dear friend and Published Author, Vonda Norwood. (I'd clap but I'm typing) 

I know the suspense is killing you, but hey, its what I do.  Before I release Vonda's deliciously fantistic interview, I'd just like to say a few things about her.  She's one of the funniest, most insightful, laid back, fun loving, will make you laugh non-stop, genuine in her worth, women.  She's strong and puts others first.  Unfortunately, I have been informed that Liz Peebles is much too busy chatting with a secret Beau to have been availble for a spot on today's interview but I am looking forward to the day when she becomes readily available! In case you are wondering who Liz Peebles is, well she is one of my favorite people and characters from Vonda Norwoods delightfully hysterical book Facebook Breaksup Marriages, LOL.

So, without further delay...... Please Welcome Vonda Norwood.  (I can hear the mental applause now!)

Getting To Know The Author

Vonda, how long have you been writing?
A - I started writing short stories to amuse myself when I was eight years old. So that's 39 years ago. Don't tell anyone. My eldest daughter says that I'm suppose to say that I am 39 years old, until I look older. I like her!!! :-D

Have you always wanted to write?
A - Yes. I've never wanted to do anything else. I always thought I would join the military and write as I worked, but the military didn't allow females with only GED. So I worked as a waitress.

What genre really inspires you?
A - Mystery, romance combined with adventure always play out in my head.

Do you remember some of the authors/book titles you read as a child?
A - The absolute only book that I can recall is "The Old Man And The Sea" by, Earnest Hemingway.

Does anyone in your life encourage you to write your heart out?
A - My children do. They are 100 % behind me. Everyone else I know, hates the fact that I write. They wont read my works and wont talk with me about it and treat me as if I am doing something wrong and or like I am doing nothing at all.

What advice would you have for a newbie writer that wants to break into the world of fiction/non-fiction?
A - Be true to your work. Believe in IT. It's the reason you're a writer. It's all about your work!!! Nothing else matters! Love your work and others will too.

To date, what is YOUR favorite story that you have written?
A - "Facebook breaks up marraiges.lol" is my favorite story. It's the first peace of work which I have written in a way that I wanted to write it. I followed no guidelines to tell that story. I'd be better off with an editor, but can't afford one. I wrote it in an autobiographically way to enjoy the freedom of being myself in a fictional story. I can't be myself in my real life right now, so I made one up. I love that story with all of my heart! It gave me a feeling of complete freedom and joy of expression. This story allowed me to put myself in a world that was mischievously pleasurable and I'll always love that story.

Who/what gets your creative blood pumping?
A - I am very reactionary. If I get curious about anything, my mind starts working, usually on unrelated topics and my imagination has fun with it. Really hard for me to explain. I can read a comedy and find myself thinking of a murder mystery. Don't know why. Sometimes just takes a word being said, read or a feeling from a song and I'm working on a story...

 The Lighter Side Of Writing

If you weren't writing, what would you be doing?
A - Working a retail job. That's what I'll be doing soon. Whoever hires me, I'll be working for them. I'm not qualified for much. Don't have an education. I'll take what I can get.
Do you have pets, and if so, what kind?

A - I had two dogs. A Chocolate Lab named Jake and a Toy Fox Terrier named Cherry. Lost them because of a car accident - (had to give them away), which caused a domino effect and brought me and my kids to being homeless and having to live with my sister. I just got a cat for my girls. Her name is Jet. AKA Panther. She's a true joy and I love to tease and say that she's stalking and trying to kill me. LOLOL
What do you do for fun (I.e. Hobbies, leisure time, etc.)
A - My girls and I enjoy each others company at night, before they go to sleep. We talk about what interests them and what our future plans are. That's the most fun I have all day. It's the best time in the world for me and they too enjoy it. I like to exercise and listen to songs that are on my mp3 player. But for hobbies, leisure time, I'd like to just be left alone to write.
Growing up, what did you always aspire to be?
A - A writer. Had a 3 books series completed when I was in the 11th grade. Was a cute story, but a friend of mine got upset about something she herself had done wrong and wanted me to be upset too. So she burned my work in her fireplace while I was at work.
If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
A - I don't believe in wishes. I believe in doing what I can to obtain a goal. I don't have to wish, all I've ever wanted, from the moment I became a mother was to do any and everything to ensure that my children are: Happy, Healthy and Good People. I've got that in spades!!!
If someone were to begin to dictate your writing, how would you feel about that?
A - "Dictate" HAHA!!! Bring it! I love a good fight and I always win :-D I'll take into consideration any and all advice! I'll admit when I am wrong and I am often wrong, but NO ONE will dictate to me! I don't do it and I wont accept it.
If you were told you could no longer write about the things that moved you, would you be able to adapt and move onto a different genre or would this force your hand to stop writing?A - Absolutely 100% NO! Not humanly possible for me to commercially write! I can give an opinion and I do love to do that, but I can't write just for the sake of writing. I can't do it! If I don't feel it, I can't write it.
How do you handle adversity when it comes to your writing?
A - I don't understand the question. There is no adversity when it comes to my writing. My writing is my writing and nothing else. There can be no adversity to it. Someone can like or dis-like it. Everyone has likes and dis-likes. Not everyone can like the same things. I don't care if there is NOT one single person on earth who likes my work! I really don't! I love my work!!! I will always love it! It has nothing to do with anyone else except me. Those stories are stories which played out and entertained my mind and I shared them. If you don't like my work, that's ok. It doesn't offend me. I don't like everything that I read. I would never expect that everyone would like my stories. I'd think it was odd if everyone did. I make a lot of mistakes and when people tell me about them, I actually appreciate it. I'm winging it, totally on my own here and with a computer that has no word doc! I'm gonna make some big mistakes!!! My time is short. Soon I'll be moving and wont have time to write. But if I had time, I would love to sit with someone and go over where I could do better. I am not ego driven, just in a big hurry. There is no adversity. There's just my story.
How important are reviews to you, as a writer?
A - This is a good question for me. I have me big issues with people who hold back on reviews!!! There are tons of people out there who wont review my work and yet, they send me DMs and emails telling me how much they love my work! What in the heck is that about? Jealousy? Laziness? Fear of a peer's opinion? LOLOLOL Stupid you for not being yourself!!! Too many fake Indie authors out there! Scared of peer pressure. I feel sorry for you!!! I take it personally as a true insult when you come to me and take up my time to tell me how great I am, (LOLOL) and yet you can't click the "like" button for my book that you just loved reading? You're a true weirdo! Working for a company to promote only certain authors and ya wanna pretend to be my friend... Dumb Ass you.
I don't care if I have 1 or 100 reviews! BUT I do very much appreciate anyone who is honest enough and UNSELFISH enough to give me one. Like I said, I have BIG issues with people who read my work, love it in private, but don't review or click like. You are cowards and self-serving. I have no reason to give my time to you. When I read a book, I give my personal opinion of that author's story BECAUSE I DID READ IT and not because I want something from that author! I do NOT play "Tit for Tat" and if that's what you are doing, move along to someone else! I have over 40 maybe 50 authors who are waiting for me to read their books. I will read them when I can and I will review them because I have read them. NOT FOR ANY OTHER REASON. So if you're one of the users, posers, don't waste your time with me. Cuz I don't like your lying kind and I have had enough of the bull.
Have you ever written a bad review for anyone else? If so, why?
A - Not as a public review. One author, a long while back sent me her "short story". The thing wasn't a story. If anything, it was the makings of a beginning of a really stupid story. I'll tell ya why I say that so harshly... This person sent to my email, for my personal opinion of her "short story" hoping I would give her my opinion. The first thing I told her was that it was not a complete story. Good or bad, all stories have to have a beginning a middle and an ending. Her character's behavior were not believable concerning their circumstances. She thanked me and said that she was finding help with writing her novel. Now, I see that she has published this novel. The only reason I am mentioning this is, because this was her goal. She wants to be a writer, she can grammatically write very well, but she can not tell a story, but finds people who can and they write together. I think it's weird. LOLOLOL
I read many books that I wouldn't normally read and that's because I actually don't like to read. That's the truth. I only like to write. But when I am done, I give a review that is my personal opinion on what I have read. There are some books that I enjoy more than others, but that has to do with the genre and style of writing. This is all a personal thing of mine. If I read your book, my review will represent what I personally enjoyed about it. If I did NOT enjoy it, I will send a DM to the writer and tell them so. I don't lie. But I'm also not here to publicly insult a writer. I am not a critic. I have NO true education. You will never get anything from me, other than my personal opinion.
How important is editing to you? Do you ever edit your book before it goes to the editor?
A - I don't have an editor. My rough drafts are rougher than rough!!! LOLOL If I had an editor, I would have to edit before sending to an editor!!! If not, the editor would want to kill me and have every right to!!! LOLOLOLOL
What about book covers inspires you? How do you go about selecting yours?
A - Ahh!!! Book covers!!! LOLOLOL Mine are selfmade and kinda weird looking. They totally represent my work! I love them!!! Yes. They could look better if they were professionally done, but I can't do that right now. I want my covers to represent something special about the story. Something that makes the reader identify with either the main feel or plot of the story.
How do you write? Are you able to listen to music to inspire you or does it have to be quiet?
A - I prefer total quiet. No other influences. What I have - is complete noise and I have to find a way to block it out. Not only noise, but constant interruptions, day and night...every minute...of every hour...of everyday!!! 

Where do you choose to write? Do you have an office or do you surround yourself in places that pertain to your writing?
A - I choose to write where I can and when I can. I like to hide out in the garage during the early mornings and before 1pm, but I would choose to write in the backyard, but the sun interferes with my view of the screen. At night, while my girls sleep beside me in bed, I write my books and read other people's books.
If it was up to me, I'd have a quiet office where I could just focus on the stories in my mind. I'd like a large space, so that I could get up and move around, do my dance exercises which help me to stay strong so that I can feel physically healthy and sit some more. :-D
f you were asked to appear on a talk show of your choice, which one would it be and why?
A - I couldn't imagine. Really. A talk show? I'd be too shy. Maybe someone could go in my stead? How about a radio thing where I can sit there and make fun of the DJ? LOLOLOL Or talk sports! I just can't picture myself sittin around talking to someone about my work. I'd be like, "Email me. I'll reply." :-D
Lets Talk Books
Tell me about the first book that you wrote. What inspired you to write it? Can you give me a brief overview for the plot and characters?
A - The first novel I wrote was in the 7th grade. I remember well, I wrote it in math class because no teaching was happening due to students controlling the class and teacher having lack of control. I always ignored classes where the teacher had no control. I got my best education in the 6th grade. The teacher's name was Mr. Kerbow. He was a former Naval Officer and one heck of a good teacher. What ever he taught, he made certain that every single student learned. And ya didn't play around in his class. I really liked him a lot!!!
I always liked mystery solving... But I can't recall what inspired me to write my first novel. The first novel was about 2 sister's who witness a death threat, conspired to stop it and became targets for murder. It was a cute story about people working together to help each other. LOLOL
What can you tell me about any new materials or books that you have recently published?
A - My most recent story is "Indie Authors Make Better Lovers". I had such a great time writing that story!!! Tweeting about books is what gave me the idea to write it. Plus I wanted to have some fun with the idea of writing out a true sexual fantasy of mine and so I did. It's so neat to be able to just freakin write whatever, because ya want to. I love it so much!!!
When did you publish, how did you publish them, why did you choose to publish them the way that you did and what is the title to the book and plot summary?
March...? LOLOL First I published "Indie Authors Make Better Lovers" on smashwords.com. Miles Cobbett and Steve Caresser both told me that I could have complete control over my work there and they were correct. A few weeks later, I published it on amazon.com.

"Indie Authors Make Better Lovers" is about me learning to tweet, meeting tweeters and fantasizing about finding a man to sexually relate to and then doing so. I wrote it for all of us artists to get a laugh from. It's easy to relate to and fun to make fun of. I thought of the sexiest thing I could think about and wrote it. See, a person has sexual fantasies, but most people don't actually write them for the world to read. Ya know? "Hey you!..Here! Read my sexual fantasy, will ya!" LOLOLOL So I asked myself, "Why not just do it and see if ya can..?" I wrote everything that I felt and now, anyone who wants to, can read it. The fact is - it was a great time, I mean - fun as fun can be...there's no other reason.
Do you have a new book that you are working on now that you’d care to talk about? If so, what is the title and a brief summary of the plot and characters, please.
A - I am working on book 2 of my Facebook series. I say series, but I only know that it will be a 2 book series. I don't have another idea for more than the 2, but I didn't have the idea for book 2 until the day I self published book 1. Ideas hit me like that. Just from seemingly nowhere.
The book that I am writing right now is, "Facebook can also make ya go to jail". It's hilarius!!! Hard to give summery without giving away the plot and I don't want the readers know certain things... Ok, Something happens to make Liz believe that her Kenny may go to jail. So she takes it upon herself to capture the bad guy. If ya know Liz, you know that aint nobody gonna cause harm for her Kenny!
Do you typically self-publish or do you use a publisher? Which would you recommend, based on your experiences in publishing, to someone who was new and needed guidance in a general direction?
A - I don't know a thing about working with a publisher. I believe you are suppose to have an agent who can help with dealing with things concerning a publisher. That's all I do know. So I self publish.
What do you see for your future as a writer, and published author as far as your books go? Will you continue on this same path or do you feel as though you will branch out into other areas of writing?

A - I don't know what other areas there are of writing. I only know what I do and what I like and I will continue for as long as I can. As long as I have a laptop that works. :-D
As a successfully published author, how do you help other authors in promoting their books?
A - I do everything that I can to help other authors. Mostly tweeting about their work and mentioning their work and links whenever I can. Not that I am much help. I'm not. There is more that a person could do to help others, but I am barely able to help myself. I never have time think, muchless time to do. So I do everything that I possibly can do. :-D

Location, Location, Location:
Finally, can you please tell readers what available titles you have published?
"Facebook breaks up marriages.lol" For sale on amazon and smashwords.com

"Indie Authors Make Better Lovers" For sale on amazon.com and smashwords.com
Where can people find you on a social level?
My Blog:

My Youtube Channel:

Find Me On Twitter:

Thank you Shaunna!!! This was a ton of fun to do!!! :-D

To The Author
Thank you Vonda, so much for taking the time to answer my questions today. Being a writer and the feel of freedom that comes with that is such an incredible sensation but to be published and to have your work available for others to enjoy is purely satisfactory. I appreciate you taking the time to branch out with both myself and the readers and giving us insight into your thinking process, available works and life in general. I know that we will all see great things from you in the future as I have seen news worthy, review worthy and captivating brilliance from you in the present. Thank you again, I wish you the best in all of your future publications and endeavors.


  1. That is amazing that you wrote your first novel in the 7th grade!!

    1. I had a lot of time. No class work to do. So I wrote. I really liked that story. Fun to do.
      Thank you for your comment!!!

  2. I knew I liked Vonda before but after reading your interview I am a bigger fan. I admire the indie authors who are truly making it on their own, no paid help, that takes courage.

    1. Thank you!!! You're very kind!!! Indie is all I know to be :-D

  3. LOLOLOL Ooh!!! I found the comments!!! I should be offline while editing!!! My brain is GONE!!! LOLOLOLOL

  4. When you said you liked my interview, I got on here to check it out. Then I found you had an interview on here as well. Wow, I loved your interview. I read every line. Not something I do often, hehe. You are so brutally honest, with a refreshing personality! I haven't read any of your books yet, and I say yet, because after reading this interview I look forward to reading your stories! Now, I am going to look for my interview and see what you have left for me! :)
